The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) welcomes the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates with a campus tour of the University of Windsor on a warm a sunny day. The teacher candidates were taken around the campus to see what their three-month student life in Canada will hold. The SWU/SU teacher candidates got a glimpse of the CAW Student Centre, all the lecture buildings, nearby restaurants, nearby shops, the Leddy Library, along with the St. Denis Centre with its fitness and recreation areas. The teacher candidates were inquisitive and excited to be starting their journey in Canada.
The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) at the Faculty of education welcomed the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates to the University of Windsor (UW). The RLP invited guest speakers to give seminar workshops at the Faculty of Education during the SWU/SU teacher candidates’ stay from September to December 2019. "The guest speakers presented unique topics to the teacher candidates from China, such as providing insight into the field of education and professional development in Canada. The guest lecturers at the UW included Mr. Jason Horn who presented about “Why Is English Weird”, Dr. Shijing Xu who gave an overview and introduction of the RLP, Dr. Zuochen Zhang who presented about “The Faux Pas and Whereabouts of Canadian Education”, Dr. Larry Glassford who presented about “Canadian History and Culture”, Dr. George Zhou who presented about “Which way to go? The dilemma of Chinese parents in Canada for their children’s education”, Dr. Glenn Rideout who presented about “An Overview of Graduate Studies in Education”, Dr. Bruce Tucker who presented about “Reciprocal Conversations: Building Chinese/Canadian Relationships”, Dr. Jonathan Bayley and Dr. Danielle Sirek who presented about “Elementary Music Education and Secondary Music Education”, and Dr. Susan Holloway who presented about “Immersing Teaching in a Multiliteracies Pedagogy”.
同学们很幸运地能够参加由温莎大学教授和图书馆管理员给他们安排的工作坊,工作坊的内容很丰富。感谢Mr.Jason Horn, Dr. Shijing Xu, Dr. Zuocheng Zhang, Dr. Larry Glassford, Dr. George Zhou, Dr. Glenn Rideout, Dr. Bruce Tucker, Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Danielle Sirek 和 Dr. Susan Holloway 给同学们带来精彩的工作坊。
The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates’ had the opportunity to attend courses at the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor during a three-month exchange. The teacher candidates were able to sample a variety of different courses. They participated in courses pertaining to their teaching majors such as methodology. They were also exposed to several new experiences during the education theory courses like differentiated instruction. The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) would like to thank Professor Alice Brode, Professor Ryan Essery, Dr. Cam Cobb, Dr. Priscila Correa, Professor Brandon Sabourin, Professor James Chevalier, Professor Christopher Rabideau, Professor Mike Marcon, Professor Jeff Marontate, Professor Fouada Hamzeh, Dr. Clinton Beckford, Professor Bonnie Belczowski, Dr. Larry Glassford, and Dr. Susan Holloway for warmly accepting our SWU/SU teacher candidates into their classes.
中加互惠项目组给同学们安排了同学们在教育学院旁听的机会,同学们旁听了不同的课程,体验了加拿大大学文化,学到了很多知识。非常感谢Alice Brode教授,Ryan Essery教授,Cam Cobb博士,Priscila Correa博士,Brandon Sabourin教授,James Chevalier教授,Christopher Rabideau教授,Mike Marcon教授,Jeff Marontate教授,Fouada Hamzeh教授,Clinton Beckford博士,Bonnie Belczowski教授,Larry Glassford博士和Susan Holloway博士,能够给师范生们提供旁听的机会。
The Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) and its members were kind enough to offer our Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) teacher candidates with seminar workshops that enriched their learning and professional conduct as future educators. The first series of workshops took place at the GECDSB office with Dr. Clara Howitt and her team. The workshops provided an overview into the Canadian education system at the local level in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and the rich programs that are unique to the GECDSB. The SWU/SU teacher candidates went to the GECDSB office on Friday, September 27th, 2019 – the presentations included “An Overview of Special Education” by Superintendent Mike Wilcox, “An Overview of ESL Programming” by Teacher Consultant Jan Foy, “The GECDSB Math Vision” by Teacher Consultants Yvette Lehman and Craig Gutherie, and “Character Education” by Teacher Consultants Bernadette Berthelotte and Mike Thrasher.
同学们在2019年9月27号的时候参观了温莎公立教育局,教育局的成员很热情地欢迎同学们的到来,还为同学们提供了丰富的讲座。感谢温莎大学互惠学习项目组和Dr. Clara Howitt 的安排和支持。感谢Mr. Mike Wilcox 关于特殊教育的讲座,感谢Mrs. Jan Foy 关于ESL 的 讲座,Mrs.Yvette Lehman和 Mr.Craig Gutherie关于“数学视野”的讲座,以及教师顾问Bernadette Berthelotte和Mike Thrasher的品格教育讲座。
The Sixth Annual International Conference Between West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education was organized by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). This event was funded by the Partnership Project “Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China (RLP)”, and Canada Research Chair Program in International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education. This event was also funded in collaboration with the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) and the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. The RLP Working Team along with the great assistance of the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 teacher candidates hosted a successful conference. One can spot out the Conference Planning Committee members and volunteers with the bright yellow t-shirts that were worn. The SWU/SU teacher candidates assisted in the overall effectiveness of the conference program. As a result, the conference was truly a success thanks to the cooperation between the RLP Working Team and the SWU/SU teacher candidates. The teacher candidates also had the opportunity to listen to many keynote speeches, paper presentations, in addition to network with scholars from Canada, China, and other countries from around the world.
On Friday, November 8th, 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates were invited to Kingsville Public School for a comprehensive tour and a glimpse into the rich programming at a local school in the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECSDB). The principal of Kingsville Public School, Mr. James Cowper, has been a veteran partner of the Reciprocal Learning Program (RLP) with his involvement in the Sister School Partnerships and taking in teacher candidates from SWU in the previous years. Mr. Cowper and his team of teachers and staff provided our teacher candidates with a whole day’s worth of wonderful presentations and stimulating activities.
2019年11月8号, 同学们参观了金斯维尔小学,校长Mr. James Cowper 和老师们热情地欢迎同学们的到来,为同学们安排很多不同的课程让同学们观摩,校长还为同学们做了一次展示,同学们深受启发。
The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates arrived in Windsor on Friday, September 13th, 2019. Without any time to recover from their jet lag, the teacher candidates were taken to Alana Wever’s, a University of Windsor (UW) alumnus of the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP), home to spend the weekend camping and learning about Canadian culture. The SWU/SU teacher candidates were able to experience camping outdoors, horseback riding, sitting and telling stories by the bonfire, a Tim Horton’s breakfast, star gazing, and learning Indigenous activities like basket weaving from a member of the aboriginal community, and pioneer activities like making rope. Not only did the students have fun learning about Canadian cultures, but they also learned about Canadian history with the pioneers, settlers and Indigenous groups. This amazing experience was coordinated by Alana and her family, and everyone was grateful for their unmatched hospitality and kindness.
2019年9月13日星期五重庆西南大学(SWU)和苏州大学(SU )的师范生抵达加拿大温莎。中加互惠学习教师教育项目校友Alana Wever's 邀请中国师范生参观Alana 的家,学习了解加拿大的文化。同学们体验了周末露营,骑马,篝火晚会和品尝了 Tim Hortons的早餐, 了解了加拿大的原住民文化,每个人都对他们无与伦比的热情好客表示感谢。
On Tuesday, September 17th, 2019, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP), Faculty of Education (Fac. Ed) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) held a Welcome Reception for the new Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates’ arrival to the University of Windsor and Canada. The teacher candidates met the Dean of the Fac. Ed, Dr. Ken Montgomery as he made his warm remarks and gave them gifts to start off their journey as educators. The SWU/SU teacher candidates also had the opportunity to meet many of the faculty members like Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Clinton Beckford, Dr. Anthony N. Ezeife, Dr. Larry Glassford, Dr. Lana Park, Dr. Glenn Rideout, Dr. Clayton Smith, Dr. Elizabeth Star, Dr. Bruce Tucker, Dr. Alan Wright, Dr. Zuochen Zhang, and Dr. George Zhou who came out to greet them. The members of the GECDSB like the Principal of Westgate, Ms. Jackie Connelly, and the Principal of Talbot Trail, Mr. Mike Baker, came out to show their support to the new teacher candidates and welcomed them into their schools for their placements.
2019年9月17日,星期二,温莎大学中加互惠学习项目组,温莎大学教育学院,和温莎公立教育局为西南大学(SWU)和苏州大学的师范生们举行了欢迎会。温莎大学教育学院院长Mr. Ken Montgomery 博士致词热烈欢迎他们的到来,并给他们礼物,师范生也回赠了礼物,表示感谢。 师范生也和教育学院的很多教授见面交流,例如Dr. Jonathan Bayley博士,Dr.Clinton Beckford博士,Dr. Anthony N. Ezeife博士,Dr. Larry Glassford博士,Dr. Lana Park博士,Dr. Glenn Rideout博士,Dr. Clayton Smith 博士,Dr. lizabeth Star 博士,Dr. Bruce Tucker 博士,Dr. Alan Wright 博士,Dr. Zuochen Zhang 博士和 Dr. George Zhou 博士向他们致意。 Westgate校长Mrs. Jackie Connelly女士和Talbot Trail校长Mr. Mike Baker先生,对师范生表示支持,并欢迎他们进入学校实习。
On a beautiful Sunday in September where the sun was still shining, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates visited Point Pelee National Park. The teacher candidates witnessed the natural conservation of Southern Ontario and local wildlife on the boardwalk and canoe ride. They were joined by their fellow University of Windsor (UW) buddies who visited Chongqing, China in the spring. The UW and SWU/SU teacher candidates explored the most southern point of Canada together by the beaches and fresh Great Lake waters.
在9月一个美丽的星期天,2019 秋季中国师范生参观了加拿大国家公园霹雳岛(Point Pelee)他们领略了当地风光,参观了当地的野生动物保护区并在木舟上目睹了安大略省南部的自然保护和当地野生动植物。
The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates had an eventful first week as they were able to participate in a barbecue lunch hosted by the University of Windsor (UW) and The Organization of Part-Time University Students (OPUS) as a welcome to all of the students as the new academic year begins. The teacher candidates ate classic hamburgers off the grill with drinks and chips. They had a fun time experiencing typical life in Canada while networking with local UW students on Assumption Grounds.
On Monday, September 30th, 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates and their guide teacher Dr. Xi He celebrated the start of the national holiday in China by watching the Chinese National Day Parade.
The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates had the opportunity to visit Walpole Island First Nation and Walpole Island Elementary School (WIES) or Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig on Friday, October 11th, 2019. Mr. Johnston, the vice-principal of the school, and Mr. Russell Nahdee from the Aboriginal Education Centre at the University of Windsor were generous and kind to lead the tours around the school while explaining about the Indigenous culture and beliefs that are embedded in school to support and help to preserve the knowledge and way of life for the youth of the future. The teacher candidates learned about the Indigenous culture in the local area, and the specialized program that the WIES offers its students. WIES has an immersion program that allows its students to learn the Ontario curriculum in the local Indigenous language starting in kindergarten; this program is up to the discretion of the parents on whether or not they want their children to learn in the local Indigenous language or just to learn in English. The SWU/SU teacher candidates asked many questions about the Indigenous way of life and related the concept of water to the ancient Chinese metaphoric connections to water as Mr. Nahdee connected the concepts to the history of the Walpole Island First Nation.
2019年,10月11日,在Mr. Nahdee 先生和中加互惠学习项目组的安排下,同学们参观了原住民学校,在副校长Mr. Johnston的带领下,同学们参观了不同的课堂,了解了原住民的历史和文化,学习到了很多。
After the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates, the University of Windsor (UW) Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) alumni, and the RLP Working Team visited Walpole Island First Nation, they went to Dalrae Orchards at Port Lambton, Ontario. The SWU/SU and UW teacher candidates enjoyed picking apples together as the UW alumni told them about Canadian Thanksgiving and the traditional foods that can be made with apples. There were many different apples to pick and choose, as the SWU/SU teacher candidates loved the sweetness of the apples in Canada. All of the SWU/SU teacher candidates brought a large bag of apples home to share with their friends at the university and their school placements.
同学们和项目组工作团队访问了Walpole Island First Nation之后,他们前往了当地的苹果园,体验了一下摘苹果的乐趣。同学们都带了一大袋苹果带回家,与他们在大学和学校的朋友们分享。
The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates celebrated thanksgiving with the University of Windsor (UW) Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) alumni. The SWU/SU teacher candidates celebrated thanksgiving with a Chinese twist and made their own dishes to share with their UW buddies in their living quarters at Canterbury College.
同学们与温莎大学往届的交换生一起庆祝感恩节。 同学们与他们的加拿大朋友分享了自己制作的菜肴。
From October 17th to the 21st of 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates travelled to Ottawa, Quebec and the East Coast of Canada for the University of Windsor’s (UW) Reading Week. They had the opportunity to witness the beauty of fall in Canada along with the other perspectives of Canadian culture. The teacher candidates fully enjoyed their break as the following week would be the commencement of their elementary school placements.
In the true Canadian spirit, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates decided to try the winter sport of curling. With the tremendous guidance of Mr. Kevin St. Denis, a University of Windsor (UW) Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) alumnus, the SWU/SU teacher candidates and the UW buddies were able to learn how to curl and have matches versing one another. The group first learned about to properly move on the ice, launch themselves, and then throw the curling rock. There were many slips and falls, but everything ended in laughter as the teacher candidates enjoyed the experience.
在Mr. Kevin Denis 和项目组的帮助下,同学们尝试了冰壶的冬季运动。虽然初次体验难免摔倒,但是大家都乐在其中。
October 31st marks the day of Halloween where children go out to trick or treat for candy. The Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates were excited to experience trick or treating in Canada, however, the weather was not in agreeance, everything was soaked as the rain and storm have taken over Windsor. Luckily, the University of Windsor (UW) Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) alumni improvised and sat in different rooms in Canterbury College ready to give out candies so that the SWU/SU teacher candidates could dress up and trick or treat right in their own building. Following the trick or treating session, the UW buddies and SWU/SU teacher candidates carved pumpkins and celebrated Halloween together with high spirits.
On Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates hosted a dumpling night for their University of Windsor (UW) buddies and the new first year UW teacher candidates that will be going to China in the spring of 2020. The SWU/SU teacher candidates bought their ingredients and made the dumpling filling, then they showed their UW buddies and first year UW teacher candidates how to wrap the dumplings. The dumpling night was joined by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Ken Montgomery and his two children. The event was fun and full of merriment as the teacher candidates from both China and Canada had great cultural exchanges.
2019年11月2日(星期六),同学们举办了饺子之夜,欢迎新一届的加拿大师范生和感谢中加项目组的工作,同学们买了食材并向新一届的加拿大师范生展示了如何包饺子。温莎大学教育学院长Dr. Ken Montgomery 和他的两个孩子也参加了这次晚会。饺子宴很成功,房间里充满了欢声笑语。
Continuing with the Canadian spirit, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates had the opportunity to experience watching a live hockey game. They watched a local Windsor’s Spitfire game with their University of Windsor (UW) buddies who were kind enough to give them tickets. The SWU/SU teacher candidates enjoyed the game with the thrill and excitement as they sit on the edge of their seats to see who would win the match.
On December 12th, 2019, Dr. Shijing Xu, Canada-China Partnership Project Director, with the RLP Working Team, hosted a Farewell Potluck Party at University of Windsor for the SWU/SU 2019 Cohort in favour of the Canadian holiday tradition. This year's Farewell Potluck Party was unique as it is a celebration of the RLP’s tenth circle of exchanges of Canadian and Chinese teacher candidates and an acknowledgement to the University of Windsor, Southwest University and the GECDSB and Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board (WECDSB) and all of the RLP placement schools in Windsor (Vincent Massey Secondary School, Westview Freedom Academy, Walkerville Collegiate Institute, Assumption College Catholic High School, Holy Names Catholic High School, Prince Edward Public School, Queen Victoria Public School, Talbot Trail Public School, and Westgate Public School). The UW Faculty of Education professors and administration that came to support the teacher candidates included Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Clinton Beckford, Dr. Ken Montgomery, Dr. Glenn Rideout, Dr. Terry Sefton, Dr. Alan Wright, Dr. Zuochen Zhang, and Dr. George Zhou, along with valued partners Dr. Clara Howitt, Education Superintendent from the GECDSB, Westgate Principal Mrs. Jackie Connelly, Talbot Trail Principal Mr. Mike Baker, and teachers from Prince Edward, Queen Victoria, Talbot Trail, Westgate, and Massey. Dr. Bruce Tucker made remarks on behalf of Dr. Douglas Kneale, UW Provost and Vice President, Academic.
2019年12月12日,中加互惠学习项目总负责人,温莎大学许世静教授与其工作团队为今年中国师范生举办了欢送聚餐派对。今年的告别联欢晚会是独一无二的,因为它是庆祝互惠学习项目第十轮。感谢温莎大学,西南大学以及温莎公立教育局 (GECDSB)和温莎天主教育局(WECDSB),以及互惠学习项目组的合作学校。感谢温莎大学的教育学院院长Dr. Ken Montgomery. Dr. Jonathan Bayley. Dr. Clinton Beckford, Dr. Glenn Rideout, Dr. Terry Sefton, Dr. Alan Wright, Dr. Zuocheng Zhang and Dr. George Zhou, 以及重要的合作伙伴 Dr. Clara Howitt,温莎教育局学监,Westgate 校长 Mrs. Jackie Connelly, Talbot Trail 校长 Mr. Mike Baker, 感谢Dr. Bruce Tucker 代表温莎大学教务长Dr. Douglas Kneale 致辞。感谢2019 秋季来自西南大学和苏州大学的师范生。
Following the high school practicums, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) arranged for the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates to have their next practicum at Prince Edward Public School. The SWU/SU teacher candidates were able to observe, take part in and immerse into the Canadian elementary classrooms with the help of the principal of Prince Edward, Mrs. Teresa Iandolo and her incredible team. As Prince Edward has been a long partner of the RLP, the transition from the teacher candidates’ placements in high school to Prince Edward were seamless. The teacher candidates noticed the details around the school, like the Chinese flags and overhead banner that had been organized in order to welcome them. Due to this, the teacher candidates felt honoured to be apart of Prince Edward. All in all, the Prince Edward teachers were great role models and mentors for the SWU/SU teacher candidates and had given them the skills to be able teach lessons to the Canadian students. The SWU/SU teacher candidates acquired passion, patience, and perseverance from the community at Prince Edward. They will surely keep these memorable experiences when they become full fledged teachers.
在高中实践之后,同学们来到了爱德华王子小学(Prince Edward Public School), 校长Mrs.Teresa Iandolo女士和学校的老师和同学热情地欢迎他们的到来。同学们参与了很多学校的活动,观摩了不同的课堂,和老师同学结下了深厚的友谊。
From October to December 2019, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) placed four Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates at Queen Victoria Public School. With the immense help of Mrs. Meloche, the principal of Queen Victoria, Mrs. Reaume, the vice principal of Queen Victoria, and the teachers and staff, our SWU/SU teacher candidates were able to transition smoothly into their placements and engage in Canadian elementary classrooms. The teacher candidates learned many skills and teaching concepts during their placement like negotiating with the students, how to be a warm teacher, peace education, and classroom management. While learning from the Canadian education system, the teacher candidates also shared the Chinese culture with the students and teachers at Queen Victoria. This allowed for the mutual flow and exchange of knowledge between Canada and China. The SWU/SU teacher candidates said, “We came as blank sheets of paper, and left with beautiful colours added by our observations and discoveries.” This quote demonstrates the impact that Queen Victoria has left on the teacher candidates and their future endeavors as educators.
从2019年10月至2019年12月,一部分同学来到了Queen Victoria 小学实习。校长Mrs.Meloche女士,和副校长Mrs.Reaume女士和学校的老师和同学烈欢迎同学们的到来,同学们在实习期间学到了许多技能和教学理念,例如与学生进行谈判,如何成为一名热情的老师,和平教育和课堂管理。同学们还和与维多利亚女王小学的学生和老师分享了中国文化。
During October to December 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates completed a six-week practicum at Talbot Trail Public School. The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) had arranged this practicum with the great help of Mr. Baker, the principal of Talbot Trail along with his strong team. Talbot Trail left a deep imprint in our teacher candidates’ experiences as they were warmly welcomed into the school by the teachers and students. The SWU/SU teacher candidates had a valuable time observing, engaging, and immersing into the Canadian elementary school classrooms. The Talbot Trail teachers did not hesitate to let our teacher candidates present lessons about the Chinese culture and practice the teaching skills that they have acquired, thus, the teacher candidates feel more confident as educators in this ever-growing global community. The most important concept that the SWU/SU teacher candidates learned from Talbot Trail is respect and that respect must be earned. They also learned how there needs to be mutuality between all the individuals or parties that are involved, whether it is between the teacher and the student or the student to the student.
在2019年10月至2019年12月期间,同学在Talbot Trail公立学校完成了为期六周的实习。同学们很感谢学校的校长Mr.Baker, 副校长Mrs. Pottie 和学校的老师和同学。同学们观摩了很多课程,也向老师和同学们展示了中国的文化,留下了很美好的回忆。
From October to December 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates completed a six-week practicum at Westgate Public School. The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) had arranged this practicum with the great help of Mrs. Connelly, the principal of Westgate, along with her kind team. The teacher candidates had the opportunity to observe the Canadian elementary classrooms and practice their teaching skills at Westgate. They have casted a wider net into the realm of education as the impact from Westgate’s sense of community has allowed them to be unique and creative. The five SWU/SU teacher candidates are now motivated to constantly be improving and evolving as educators. Mrs. Connelly, communicated how the SWU/SU teacher candidates contributed to Westgate was more than just sharing about the Chinese culture, but they have added and became apart of Westgate’s community. Mrs. Connelly said, “We have a breakfast program at Westgate where we serve 140 students breakfast every morning, and the SWU/SU teacher candidates found that out day one, and they were there every morning to help and it was very nice. I feel that we became very much a family, we cared about them and they cared about us.”
2019年的10月到12月期间,一部分同学来到了Westgate 小学实习,受到了校长Mrs. Connelly, 老师和同学的热烈欢迎。同学们积极地观摩不同的课堂,感受加拿大的学校文化,也积极参与课外活动,例如早餐俱乐部,也向学校的同学们展示了中国的文化。同学们和学校的校长,老师,同学结下了深厚的友谊。
From September to October 2019, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) had the pleasure of forming a new partnership with the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board (WECDSB). Four of our Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates had a four-week high school placement at Assumption College Catholic High School and Holy Names Catholic High School. The SWU/SU teacher candidates had the opportunity to observe and interact with students and teachers in the Canadian classrooms. The teacher candidates have regarded that their experience in Assumption and Holy Names was unforgettable as they have created meaningful rapport that has affected their teaching styles, strategies, values and motivations towards becoming an educator. In addition, the SWU/SU teacher candidates happily offered lessons and introductions about the Chinese culture as a way of exchanging knowledge between China and Canada. The principal of Assumption, Mr. Brunet, and the principal of Holy Names, Mr. Hickson along with their teams have fully assisted our SWU/SU teacher candidates throughout the entirety of their placements, which has contributed to the success of this new partnership.
感谢温莎天主教育局和互惠学习项目组的安排,在2019年9月份到10月份期间,一部分同学来到了Assumption 天主高中和 Holy Names 高中实习,感谢两个学校校长的安排,老师和同学们热情的接待。在实习期间,同学们有机会观摩了不同的高中的课程,也展示了中国的文化。同学们在这短暂的实习过程中,学习到了很多,留下了美好的回忆。
From September to October 2019, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) had five of our Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates to complete their four-week high school placement at Vincent Massey Secondary School. With the strong support of the principal of Vincent Massey, Mr. Hawkins, and his team of associate teachers, our teacher candidates were able to observe and participate in Canadian classrooms and learn about the different methods toward teaching in a diverse and multicultural environment. The teacher candidates said that they were able to gain an additional perspective into teaching with the selfless mentoring that the associate teachers offered. The SWU/SU teacher candidates were warmly welcomed in every classroom that they observed and were always greeted with big smiles from the associate teachers who were not hesitant to help enrich their experiences. By the end of the practicum, the SWU/SU teacher candidates were fully immersed into the Canadian classroom culture as they were confidently in front of the students and presenting multiple lessons.
从2019年9月至10月,一部分同学们完成了在文森特·梅西中学的中学学习。在文森特·梅西(Vincent Massey)校长霍金斯先生及学校老师的大力支持下,师范生们能够观摩不同的课堂了解在多元和多元文化环境中进行教学的不同方法。师范生们感谢老师们无私的指导。
From September to October of 2019, the Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) placed five of our Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates to complete their four-week high school practicum at Walkerville Collegiate Institute. Mrs. Theresa Williams, principal of Walkerville, and her excellent team provided our SWU/SU teacher candidates with a memorable experience in the Canadian high school classrooms. As the teacher candidates observed the teaching styles and methods of their associate teachers, they were also inquisitive with new ideas and questions, which the teachers of Walkerville were happy to answer. The teacher candidates were overjoyed with the number of classes that they had the opportunity to observe such as, but not limited to: English classes, cooking classes, dance classes, biology classes, geography classes, history classes, math classes and art classes. The students stated that although Canada and China are different countries, all teachers seem to have a global vision that is open to learn from each other and draw on their respective strengths, ultimately improving as educators.
从2019年9月到10月,五名师范生,完成了在Walkville的高中实习,得到了 Walkerville校长Mrs.Theresa Williams女士及其出色的团队的支持,为我们师范生在加拿大的高中课堂上留下了难忘的经历。同学们观摩了不同的课程例如英语课,烹饪课,舞蹈课,生物学课,地理课,历史课,数学课,美术课等等。学生们说加拿大和中国是不同的国家,但是所有的老师似乎都具有全球视野,可以互相学习,并可以互相借鉴,共同提高自己的教育水平。
The Reciprocal Learning Teacher Education Program (RLP) and the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) placed five of our Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates to complete their four-week high school practicum at Westview Freedom Academy from September to October 2019. The SWU/SU teacher candidates were presented with an amazing opportunity from Mr. Scaddan, the principal of Westview, and his team to observe, learn, and engage in Canadian high school classrooms. The teachers at Westview gave the teacher candidates an insight into differentiated instruction, special education and how to incorporate inclusivity in and out of the classroom. Our SWU/SU teacher candidates spoke highly of their learning experiences at Westview. They were impressed with how the teachers at Westview would model the elevated standard of teaching by their dedication and care they showed to every student. Additionally, the teacher candidates appreciated the kindness the teachers displayed towards understanding the differences between Canadian and Chinese cultures and welcoming them into their classrooms. The teacher candidates were delighted to have the chance to share China’s culture with Westview and practice their skills when delivering lessons to the students.
师范生们在Westview完成其为期四周的高中实习,Westview校长Mr.Scaddan先生和他的团队为同学们提供了一个很好的机会来观摩课堂,参加加拿大高中的活动。 Westview的老师为他们解释了差异化的教学和特殊教育以及如何在课堂内外融合包容性。同学们高度评价了他们在Westview的学习经验,很珍惜这次互惠学习的机会。