SWU 2013 Cohort at UWindsor Professional Development Workshops

In September, the Southwest University (SWU) 2013 Cohort attended professional development workshops at Faculty of Education, University of Windsor. Dr. Shijing Xu, Dr. Terry Sefton, Dr. Anthony Ezeife, Dr. Cam Cobb, Dr. Zuochen Zhang, Dr. Larry Glassford, Dr. Jonathan Bayley, and Dr. Wayne Tousignant, and other guest speakers were kind enough to lead these workshops. Teaching methodology, professional-growth portfolio, and the importance of working with local community, are examples of the variety of topics that were presented.


2013年9月,在杨琴教授的带领下,西南大学交换生参加温莎大学教师职业发展讲座。温莎大学教育学院教授,包括许世静教授(中加互惠学习项目负责人),Terry Sefton教授,Anthony Ezeife教授,Cam Cobb教授,张佐臣教授, Larry Glassford教授, Jonathan Bayley教授和Wayne Tousignant教授在内,以及客座讲师围绕多个主题为西南大学交换生们讲课,课程主题包括教学法,职业发展规划,在教学中与社区合作的重要性等等

SWU 2013 Cohort at UWindsor Welcome Reception

The Southwest University 2013 Cohort students were greeted by the Faculty of Education at the Welcome Reception. Faculty members, including Dr. Shijing Xu, Dr. Zuochen Zhang, Dr. Guoqiang Zhou, Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Bruce Tucker, and Dr. Andrew Allen welcomed the SWU cohort as Dr. Geri Salinitri and Dr. Karen Roland hosted the evening in high spirits.


2013年9月,西南大学交换生参加温莎大学教育学院举办的欢迎会。教育学院教职员工及许世静教授(中加互惠学习项目负责人),张佐臣教授,周国强教授,Jonathan Bayley教授,Bruce Tucker教授, Andrew Allen教授与西南大学交换生见面并亲切交谈。Geri Salinitri教授(副院长)和教育学院Karen Roland教授(教育学院代理院长),主持此次活动并向到访的交换生致辞。

SWU 2013 Cohort Farewell Event

As December came, Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor had to say farewell to the Southwest University (SWU) 2013 Cohort. Dr. Clayton Smith and Dr. Bruce Tucker presented a speech to the SWU cohort for their dedication to Reciprocal Learning Program (RLP). In addition, on behalf of RLP, Dr. Anthony N. Ezeife issued honorary certificates to the SWU teacher candidates. The evening went on with many emotions in festive holiday colours for the RLP as the memories will be kept for the years to come.


2013年12月,西南大学交换生参加温莎大学教育学院举办的告别晚会。由于圣诞节季即将来临,教育学院教授和交换生们都戴着鹿角头饰,精心装饰了晚会场地,营造出圣诞节的氛围。Clayton Smith教授(副教务长)和Bruce Tucker教授发表了演讲,感谢西南大学交换生为中加互惠学习项目付出的努力。 Anthony Ezeife教授代表中加互惠学习项目和教育学院为每一名在场交换生颁发毕业证书,肯定了他们在加拿大期间的贡献。西南大学交换生和教育学院教授们一一合影留念,并表达了他们的感激之情。

SWU 2013 Cohort at Point Pelee National Park

In October, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort students visited Point Pelee National Park guided by Dr. Shijing Xu, Professor Qin Yang and Dr. Bruce Tucker. Pelee Island, known as natural heritage in Ontario, is situated in the Western Basin of Lake Erie, Canada’s southernmost lake.


2013年10月,西南大学交换生在许世静教授,杨琴教授和Bruce Tucker教授的带领下,来到霹雳岛国家公园一日游。 霹雳岛位于加拿大最南端的湖——伊利湖的西侧流域,是安大略省著名的自然遗迹。带队教授们和交换生们来到了加拿大最南端,并在那里合影留念。

SWU 2013 Cohort Experiencing Festivities

The Southwest University (SWU) 2013 Cohort celebrated Thanksgiving, Mid-Autumn Festival and Halloween with their Canadian friends in Windsor. Jia Cheng celebrated Thanksgiving with Dr. Bruce Tucker’s family and enjoyed roasted turkey and mashed potatoes. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the SWU 2013 Cohort invited their UWindsor buddies to their residence to celebrate the Chinese festival. They prepared mooncakes, dumplings, and cupcakes. For Halloween, the SWU 2013 Cohort dressed in costumes, experienced “Trick or Treating”, and carved pumpkins.


2013年,西南大学交换生在温莎庆祝感恩节,中秋节并体验了万圣节。如图,西南大学学生程佳和Bruce Tucker教授一家共同庆祝感恩节,一起享用烤火鸡和土豆泥。在中秋节当天,西南大学交换生邀请了温莎大学教育学院学生共度中秋。他们一起包饺子,吃月饼,烤纸杯蛋糕。到了万圣节,西南大学交换生换上了节日服饰,玩起了“不给糖就捣乱”的游戏,还一起雕刻了南瓜。

SWU 2013 Cohort’s History Museum & Winery Trip

The Southwest University (SWU) 2013 Cohort guided by Dr. Bruce Tucker visited the North American Black Historical Museum & Cultural Center and local wineries in November. The exhibition in the museum left the SWU students with deep impressions. Following the museum, the SWU 2013 Cohort went to some local wineries – D’ Angelo, Sprucewood Shores, Black Beer, and Pelee Island Winery. Yue Jiang and Jia Cheng tasted a variety of different wines, including the famous ice wine in Canada.


2013年11月,西南大学交换生在Bruce Tucker的带领下,参观了北美黑人历史博物馆文化中心,以及当地的酒窖。博物馆里的展览给西南大学学生们留下了深刻的印象。接下来,学生们参观了酒窖,如图,交换生江樾,程佳品尝了各种红酒,尤其是著名的加拿大冰酒,交换生们还品尝了酒窖主人准备的特色小吃。

SWU 2013 Cohort School at Dr. H. D. Taylor Public School

In October of 2013, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort came to Dr. H. D. Taylor Public School to do their placements. The primary students made a poster with SWU teacher candidates’ names on it to welcome them into the school. With Principal’s, encouragement, the SWU 2013 Cohort joined the breakfast program to help provide healthy meals for the students to start their day. Jie Deng and Han Jin had he opportunity to teach Chinese characters. The SWU teacher candidates were able learn many things and discovered the many differences between Chinese and Canadian elementary schools.


2013年10月,西南大学交换生来到Dr. H. D. Taylor小学。小学生们以加拿大国旗作背景,制作了印有西南大学交换生名字的海报,热烈欢迎了他们的到来。西南大学交换生还得到了校长的允许,帮助学校职工为没吃早餐的孩子们分发食物。邓洁和金翰还在课余时间教当地学生写汉字。通过在该校参观学习,西南大学交换生得以了解中加小学的差异。

SWU 2013 Cohort School at J. L. Forster Secondary School

In December of 2013, Southwest University (SWU) teacher candidates went to J. L. Foster Secondary School for their placements. The teacher candidates observed classes, including history, piano, English as Second Language (ESL) and geography. What impressed SWU students were the variety of vocational classes provided in J. L. Foster Secondary School. Xuheng Zeng, Xiaoya Ma and Jieling Song visited the food and nutrition class, biology dissection class, and tech class.

2013届西南大学交换生在J. L. Foster高中

2013年12月,西南大学交换生在杨琴教授带领下来到J. L. Foster中学参观学习。他们参观的课程包括历史课,地理课,钢琴基础课,以及英语作为第二语言教学课。最令交换生们印象深刻的是该学校多种多样的职业培训课程。如图,交换生曾旭恒,马小雅和宋洁灵参观了烹饪课, 生物解剖课,和技工课堂。

SWU 2013 Cohort at the School Board Presentation

On December 10th, 2013, the Southwest University Cohort presented at Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB). Dressed in Qipaos, the SWU Cohort presented their experiences and learning outcomes in Windsor public schools, expressed their gratitude towards the GECDSB and Reciprocal Learning Program (RLP).

