SWU 2016 Cohort Having Campus Tour at UWindsor

On September 16th, Southwest University (SWU) students visited the campus with a comprehensive tour. The librarian introduced Leddy Library and showed them how to use the system in Canada.



SWU 2016 Cohort Taking Courses at UWindsor

2016 Southwest University (SWU) teacher candidates participated courses at the Faculty of Education. Over 20 courses have been provided such as Contemporary Social Issues in Education, Health and Physical Education, and Language across Curriculum. SWU teacher candidates participated in the group work with UWindsor students, learned new knowledge and discovered many differences in Canadian classrooms.



SWU 2016 Cohort Taking Seminars at UWindsor

Southwest University (SWU) students attended a series of workshops provided by Faculty of Education in the University of Windsor. Many professors, including Dr. Xu, Dr. Salinitri, Dr. Zhang and Dr. Holloway, gave guest presentations. SWU students listened carefully and learned about cross-cultural awareness, professional growth portfolios, are examples of the seminar topics that were presented.


温莎大学教育学院为2016届西南大学交换生准备了一系列讲座与研讨会。通过许世静教授、Geri Salinitri教授、张佐臣教授、Susan Holloway教授等多位教育学院教师与教授的介绍与授课,西南大学交换生认真听讲,学习到关于跨文化意识、个人档案制作等内容。

SWU 2016 Cohort Welcome Reception at Faculty

On September 21th, 2016, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort guided by Ms. Gong attended the welcome reception at Faculty of Education. Dr. Geri Salinitri chaired the reception and acknowledged University guests and the continued administrative support from faculty members, sessional course instructors, and administrative staff at the Faculty of Education. The superintendent from the GECDSB and the local school principals gave welcome remarks. SWU students received a warm welcome.


2016年9月21日,在龚志维老师带领下,2016届西南大学交换生参加温莎大学教育学院举办的欢迎会。许世静教授简单介绍互惠项目,表示感谢。Geri Salinitri教授主持此次欢迎会,表达了对大学、学院工作人员、行政人员长期支持的感谢。温莎教委领导和当地学校校长发言。 2016届西南大学交换生感受到温暖的欢迎。

SWU 2016 Cohort Enjoy a Concert

On a Sunday afternoon, the Southwest University teacher candidates went to a concert given by Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Natalie Dorian and Helen Brown. Students enjoyed the beautiful melody of flute and piano.


9月26日周日下午,在龚老师的带领下,2016届西南大学交换生共同听了慈善音乐会。音乐会由Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Ms. Natalie Dorian and Ms. Helen Brown共同演奏,长笛与钢琴乐声悠扬。

SWU 2016 Cohort Experience the Windsor Art Gallery

On October 22nd, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort and guide professor Zhiwei Gong were invited to visit the Art Gallery of Windsor and the Chimczuk Museum by Dr. Bayley. Everyone enjoyed the paintings and photographs, as it was a feast for eyes. The SWU teacher candidates learned more about the history in Canada along with its art culture.


10月22日, 2016届西南大学交换生与带队老师龚志维受Dr. Bayley邀请参观温莎画展与博物馆。他们欣赏由绘画与照片组成的视觉盛宴,同时了解温莎与加拿大的历史。

SWU 2016 Cohort Experience Curling Sports

On October 23rd, 2016, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort participated in a curling lesson arranged by Kevin, an alumnus of Reciprocal Learning Program. They learned the basic skills of curling and experienced playing a full game. Through this activity, SWU students have developed a passion for sports and a better understanding of Canadian culture.



SWU 2016 Cohort Experience Gestwood Camping

The Southwest University (SWU) Cohort guided by Ryan went to the Gestwood Camp with local students during October. During this half day trip, they completed a series of challenging tasks which seemed impossible to accomplish. The SWU Cohort came out of these experiences strongly believe that teamwork can make anything possible!


在2016年10月,2016届西南大学交换生在Ryan的带领下和当地学生参加了Gestwood 素质拓展训练。在这短短的半天里,西南大学交换生完成了一系列看上去不可能完成的任务。通过这次活动,他们深信团队合作让一切皆有可能!

SWU 2016 Cohort Experience Halloween

In October, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort experienced Halloween as they helped decorate for the Halloween party in Canterbury College. The SWU Cohort also learned how to carve pumpkins from Michael, a UWindsor buddy. Everyone had a wonderful time in Michael’s home.


10月,2016届西南大学交换生体验万圣节。他们和带队老师龚志维一起,帮助布置并参加Canterbury College举办的万圣节派对。加拿大学生Michael教他们制作南瓜灯,并邀请西南大学交换生一起度过万圣节。

SWU 2016 Cohort Experience a Soccer Game

On September 25th, 2016, Southwest University (SWU) students went to watch a soccer game under the guidance of Dr. Bruce. Through this activity, SWU students have developed a passion for watching sports and a better understanding of Canadian sport culture.


2016年9月25日,西南大学交换生观看了美式橄榄球比赛。在中加互惠交换项目负责人之一Dr. Bruce的带领下,交换生们了解了橄榄球比赛的基本规则,同时也感受了观看现场比赛的激情。通过这个活动,交换生们激发了对观看现场球赛的热情,加深了对加拿大运动文化的认识。

SWU 2016 Cohort Experience Thanksgiving

In October, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort celebrated Thanksgiving with local Canadian families, including Dr. Tucker, Dr. Bayley and UWindsor teacher candidates. They decorated the house and prepared dinner with their homestay family. In this atmosphere surrounded by family and friends, the SWU teacher candidates learned about the meaning of gratitude.


2016年10月,西南大学交换生在Dr. Bruce, Dr. Bayley和当地学生家中欢度感恩节。他们帮着寄宿家庭一起装扮房屋、准备晚餐。在这浓浓的家庭团聚的氛围中,他们也学到了感恩的真谛。

SWU 2016 Cohort Trip to Point Pelee National Park

On September 18th, 2016, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort took a trip to Point Pelee National Park under the guidance of Dr. Xu and Ms. Gong. Their trip involved going on the board walk in the wetland park, visiting the visitor centre to learn about wildlife diversity, going to the Point to appreciate the beautiful lake, where many photos were taken.



SWU 2016 Cohort at Eastwood Public School

In October, Southwest University teacher candidates had a placement in Eastwood Public School in Windsor. They have learned about education philosophy and teaching methods in Canada. During the practicum, Jiawei Zhang was taking math class, and Lu Liu and Yuzhao Fang were taking music class. They communicated with local students after class. To show their gratitude, Professor Zhiwei Gong sent a Chinese style gift to the principal of school.



SWU 2016 Cohort at Glenwood Public School

In October, the Southwest University Cohort had a placement in Glenwood Public School in Windsor. They attended different classes and learned about local teaching models and strategies. They also participated in special activities such as the "Read A Thon". They gave presentations about Chinese culture and expressed their gratitude to all the teachers and students of the school.


2016年10月,西南大学交换生在温莎Glenwood小学实习。他们观摩不同年级的小学课堂,学习当地的教学模式与教学策略,他们还参加了“Read A Thon”等学校特色活动,同时也向二年级的孩子介绍了中国文化,并表达了对该校全体师生的感谢。

SWU 2016 Cohort at Kingsville Public School

In October, three Southwest University teacher candidates came to Kingsville Public School. Yanxi Liu was assigned to a Grade 2 class, Jing Peng to a Grade 6 French class, and Hao Mo to a Grade 3 class to do class observations. As a part of reciprocal learning, the three SWU teacher candidates also gave lessons about Chinese painting, Chinese paper-cutting, Chuan Opera to local students. During their placement, warm-hearted Principal, Vice Principal and other teachers hosted the three students in their home, which gave them a unique cultural experience. To show their appreciation, the teacher candidates along with Dr. Xu and Ms. Gong cooked Chinese dishes for Kingsville Public School.

西南大学交换生参观Kingsville Public School

2016年10月,西南大学交换生参观Kingsville Public School。妍茜跟随二年级的英语班,彭静跟随六年级的法语班,莫豪跟随三年级的英语班进行听课观察。作为交换学习的一部分,他们同时向当地学生教授了中国国画、中国剪纸等课程,表演了中国川剧变脸。在实习期间,热心的校长,副校长和其他老师为三位同学安排了住宿,这让他们经历了更为独特的文化体验。为了表示对学校的感谢,三位学生和项目负责人许老师以及带队老师龚老师一起为学校教职工做了一顿中国菜。

SWU 2016 Cohort at Prince Edward Public School

In October, the Southwest University Cohort had a placement in Prince Edward Public School. Yuanqian Qiu, Mian Wang and Jingbo Cui taught ESL students to practice Chinese calligraphy. They gave Chinese culture presentations to the students. The SWU teacher candidates also went to the Fighting Island for science experiments with the grade six students. The principal organized a potluck for SWU teacher candidates before their departure back to China.

Prince Edward 小学实习

2016年10月,西南大学交换生在温莎Prince Edward 小学实习。交换生邱元倩,王勉和崔静博教ESL班级的孩子练习中国书法。此外,他们也在五、六、八年级进行中国文化展示。如图,交换生们跟随六年级的学生到野外小岛进行科学实验。实习结束前,校长为交换生们组织了员工食物分享会。

SWU 2016 Cohort at Queen Victoria Public School

In October, Southwest University Cohort had a placement in Queen Victoria Public School. Tingrong, Fu, Ruichan Wang and Lei Zhang gave presentations about Chinese culture which included Chinese traditional food, music and games. The same month, Dr. Xu organized a Skype meeting for principals and teachers from Queen Victoria Public School to meet with their sister school colleagues.

温莎Prince Edward 小学实习

2016年10月,西南大学交换生在温莎Prince Edward 小学实习。交换生付庭榕,王蕊婵和张蕾展示中国文化,例如中国传统食物,传统音乐,传统游戏。其间,许世静教授和姊妹学校开展了视频会议。实习结束后,西南大学交换生给校长送了中国剪纸表示感谢。

SWU 2016 Cohort at Talbot Trail Public School

In October, Southwest University teacher candidates spent two weeks of practicum at Talbot Trail Public School. They were exposed to a variety of teaching methods, introduced the Chinese culture to the students, and learned from the teachers and students. They also experienced different cultures.

Talbot Trail Public School实习

2016年10月,西南大学交换生在Talbot Trail Public School度过了约两周的实习生活。她们通过与师生的朝夕相处,逐渐融入他们的课堂,体验到了不同的文化,学习了不同的教学方法,并且为该校学生介绍了中国文化,收获良多。最后,双方互相赠送礼物,为本次实习之旅画上了圆满的句号。

SWU 2016 Cohort at West Gate Public School

During September and October, the Southwest University Cohort had a 13-day practicum in West Gate Public School. Through observation, they learned about Canadian classroom management, teaching methods and more. The teacher candidates gave lessons to the students at West Gate – Zhe Zeng presented about Chinese martial arts, Wenhua Long presented about Chinese culture and technology, Jiayuan Gao introduced Chinese characters through jeopardy. To show their gratitude to their hosts, the teacher candidates made a paper cutting of the West Gate Wolf mascot and gifted it to West Gate Public School.

West Gate小学实习

2016年9、10月,2016届西南大学交换生在West Gate小学进行13天的实习。通过观察,他们学到关于加拿大小学课堂的管理方法,教学思想等内容。他们还给学校学生授课,曾哲展示中国武术,龙文华介绍中国与计算机,高佳媛通过游戏讲授汉字。为表达对学校师生的感谢,他们制作带有校徽的剪纸送给学校。