SWU 2014 Cohort at the UWindsor Welcome Reception

On Thursday, September 18th, the Southwest University (SWU) 2014 Fall cohort guided by Ms. Hong Zhou attended welcome reception at Faculty of Education. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Associate Dean, Faculty of Education) chaired the event along with faculty administrators, Dr. Clayton Smith, Dr. Diana Kao, Dr. Bruce Tucker, Dr. Karen Roland, Dr. Glenn Rideout, Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Larry Glassford, and Prof. Paul Preney. The Superintendent of the GECDSB and the local school principals also came to welcome the SWU 2014 Cohort.


9月18日,在带队老师周虹的带领下,西南大学交换生参加温莎大学教育学院举办的2014届欢迎会。Geri Salinitri(教育学院院长)教授主持此次会议。温莎大学以及教育学院领导热烈欢迎西南大学交换生,并发表演讲,包括Clayton Smith教授(副教务长),Diana Kao 教授(副教务长),Bruce Tucker教授(教授),Karen Roland教授(教育学院院长), Geri Salinitri教授(副院长),Glenn Rideout教授(副院长)。教育学院Jonathan Bayley教授,Larry Glassford教授和Paul Preney教授和西南大学交换生见面。温莎教委 (GECDSB)领导和当地学校校长热烈欢迎2014届西南大学交换生来温莎参观学习。 除此之外,曾去过西南大学的中加互惠学习项目的温莎大学交换生和教育学院新生也都参加了此次欢迎会。

SWU 2014 Cohort and Cogeco’s Let's Talk Show

During December of 2014, Dr. Shijing Xu, Dr. Andrew Alan, Dr. Jonathan Bayley and the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort attended Cogeco’s “Let’s talk Show”, hosted by Casimir McGeown. The Faculty of Education members introduced the vision, purpose and achievements of Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program. They discussed with the host about the future development of the program and how they were excited to be introducing Canada and its culture to the SWU teacher candidates.


2014年12月,许世静教授(中加互惠学习项目负责人),Andrew Alan教授, Jonathan Bayley教授和西南大学交换生参加Casimir McGeown先生主持的脱口秀。温莎大学教授们介绍了中加互惠学习项目的成立目的和取得的成果,并和主持人探讨了该项目的未来发展方向,还感谢温莎雅思郡教育局(GECDSB)和当地姊妹校给予的大力支持。

SWU 2014 Cohort Enjoying Music Night

During November, the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort enjoyed a great music night with Dr. Jonathan Bayley, Dr. Bruce Tucker and Dr. Terry Sefton at Faculty of Education. SWU teacher candidates prepared a chorus performance. Lu Liao, Xifeng Liu and their other group members practiced excessively to deliver perfect performances on stage. Zipeng Wang played piano, followed by Dr. Jonathan Bayley playing the flute.


2014年11月,西南大学交换生和Jonathan Bayley教授、Bruce Tucker教授、Terry Sefton教授在温莎大学教育学院一起度过了愉快的音乐之夜。为此西南大学女学生们精心准备了合唱表演,如图,廖露,刘西凤和其他女孩们为了展现完美的演出正在紧锣密鼓地练习。此外,交换生王子鹏演奏钢琴,Jonathan Bayley教授也奉上了精彩的长笛表演。

SWU 2014 Cohort Attending Seminar Workshops

The Reciprocal Learning Program invited some faculty members from Education to give seminar workshops to the Southwest University (SWU) Cohort. Dr. Larry Glassford and Dr. Jonathan Bayley delivered fun and interactive workshops. To express their gratitude for Dr. Larry Glassford, the SWU Cohort gave a Chinese traditional hand-made fan as a gift to him.


2014年9月,中加互惠学习项目邀请温莎大学教育学院教授为来访的西南大学交换生准备不同主题的演讲会。图中为Larry Glassford教授向交换生们介绍教师职业发展。为表达对Larry Glassford教授的感谢,学生们赠送了中国传统折扇。此外,Jonathan Bayley教授也为学生们准备了丰富的授课内容。

SWU 2014 Cohort Experiencing Halloween

On November 1st, 2014 Southwest University students experienced Halloween. They applied Halloween make-up for one another, picked their costumes, and carved pumpkins together.


11月1日,2014届西南大学交换生体验万圣节。他们互相给对方化节日妆容,挑选了万圣节服装, 还尝试了雕刻南瓜。

SWU 2014 Cohort Experience Curling

On October 20th, 2014, the Southwest University Cohort accompanied by University of Windsor teacher candidates participated in curling games. Kevin, Zipeng Wang practiced sweeping the ice with curling brooms.


2014年10月20日,在温莎大学师范生陪同下,2014届西南大学交换生参与了加拿大流行的冰壶运动。如图,在Kevin 的指导下,西南大学交换生王子鹏正在练习刷冰。

SWU 2014 Cohort Took an East Canada Trip

On October 27th, 2014, the Southwest University Cohort took a trip to East Canada. They not only enjoyed the street views in the city, but also got an opportunity to appreciate local culture.



SWU 2014 Cohort Watching Lancer Football Tournament

On October 5th, 2014, Southwest University (SWU) Cohort teacher candidates accompanied by Dr. Bruce Tucker watched the Windsor Lancer football Tournament at Alumni Field. For most SWU teacher candidates, it was their first time watching a live football game and they learned a lot about the football game rules in Canada.


2014年10月5日,在Bruce Tucker教授的陪同下,西南大学交换生在球场观看了温莎Lancer橄榄球队的比赛。 对于大多数西南大学交换生生而言,这是他们第一次现场观看橄榄球赛,而此次体验使他们了解了橄榄球比赛规则。

SWU 2014 Cohort at Queen Victoria Public School

In October, the Southwest University teacher candidates went to Queen Victoria Public School for their placements. Zhaoqing Liu and Ruixin Hou attended students’ classes, including math, hand craft, English subjects. Ruixin Hou even received a thank you letter from the teachers of Queen Victoria Public School the efforts in helping the class.

2014届西南大学交换生在温莎Queen Victoria小学

2014年10月,西南大学交换生来到了温莎Queen Victoria小学。如图,在得到该小学教师的允许后,交换生刘照清和侯瑞新参观学习了数学、手工艺、英语等课程。侯瑞新还收到了来自温莎Queen Victoria小学老师的感谢信。