SWU 2017 Cohort Campus Tour of the University of Windsor

On September 19th 2017, the Southwest University (SWU) exchange students had their first visit to the University of Windsor campus. The librarian at Leddy Library, instructed the students on how to conduct research and avoid plagiarism.


9月19日, 2017届西南大学交换生在老师们的带领下参观美丽的温莎大学校园。图书管理员向学生们介绍了图书馆资料研究并解释了如何避免抄袭。

SWU 2017 Cohort Takes Courses at the University of Windsor

The SWU exchange students had the opportunity to choose between several courses from the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. These included: Contemporary Social Issues in Education, Educational Psychology and Special Education. The SWU students worked alongside University of Windsor students and found multiple differences between Canadian and Chinese classrooms.


2017届西南大学交换生旁听温莎大学教育学院课程。根据不同专业, 西南大学交换生学习不同的课程, 如当代社会教育重点议题、教育心理学、特殊教育等。西南大学交换生与本校同学一同学习, 并积极参与课堂讨论。在收获新知识的同时, 交换生也不断观察和了解加拿大课堂与中国课堂的不同之处。

SWU 2017 Cohort Takes Seminars at the University of Windsor

The SWU exchange students attended a series of workshops provided by the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. Dr. Shijing Xu presented a workshop about cross-cultural awareness and professional growth portfolios. The the SWU students felt they benefited a lot from this.


温莎大学教育学院为2017届西南大学交换生准备了一系列精彩的讲座与研讨会。通过许世静教授的介绍与讲解, 西南大学交换生学习到关于跨文化意识和制作个人学习成长档案等内容。

SWU 2017 Cohort Welcome Reception at the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor

On September 21st, 2017, guided by Mr. Deng, the SWU exchange students attended a welcome reception at the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. Dr. Xu gave a brief introduction and expressed thanks to all the attendees. Dr. Geri Salinitri chaired the reception. GECDSB Superintendent and local school principals were also present. The SWU students received a warm welcome from all attendees.


2017年9月, 在邓老师的带领下, 2017届西南大学交换生参加了温莎大学教育学院举办的欢迎会。许世静教授详尽介绍了互惠项目, 并对与会人员表示感谢。Geri Salinitri教授主持了此次欢迎会, 并对大学学院老师, 相关行政人员以及与会的客人们一直以来的支持表达了衷心的感谢。温莎大学副校长Douglas Kneale, 温莎大学教育学院院长Ken Montgomery, 温莎教委领导和当地学校校长们发言。 2017届西南大学交换生感受到了热情的欢迎。

SWU 2017 Cohort Trip to Point Pelee National Park

On September 22th, 2017, with the guidance of Dr. Shijing Xu, the SWU exchange students and their Canadian friends went to Point Pelee National Park. The tip of Point Pelee National Park is the most southern part of Canada and serves as a pit stop for birds and butterflies that migrate throughout North America. During their visit, the SWU students walked through the Marsh Boardwalk Trail and spotted many beautiful birds around them. Afterwards, the students went to Lake Erie and enjoyed the placid blue water. They had a wonderful opportunity experiencing the scenery and culture of Canada.

2017届西南大学交换生参观Point Pelee国家公园

在2017年9月22日,在许世静教授的带领下, 西南大学交换生与加拿大友人一行, 参观了Point Pelee 国家公园。Point Pelee 国家公园位于加拿大最南端, 有“鸟与蝴蝶的迁徙走廊”之称。学生们走过了木栈道, 观赏了围绕在身旁的美丽飞鸟。最后, 同学们来到伊利湖边, 感受清澈宁静的蔚蓝湖水。对于学生们来说, 这是一次感受加拿大文化以及优美风光的短途旅行。

SWU 2017 Cohort Visiting an Aboriginal School

On September 23rd, 2017, the SWU exchange students visited an aboriginal school on a trip organized by Dr. Shijing Xu and her graduate assistant team. The principal introduced the school’s fundamental state and curriculum as well as aboriginal culture. The principal also gave a special talk about The Legend of Dream Catchers and introduced the importance of learning and growing in nature.


9月23日, 西南大学交换生在许世静教授及其研究生助理团队的组织下参观了加拿大原住民学校。参观过程中, 该校校长向大家介绍了学校的基本情况, 课程设置及原住民文化, 还特意介绍了捕梦网的传说。所有参观者都学习到了在自然中学习和成长的理念。

SWU 2017 Cohort Watching Ice Hockey

On October 15th, 2017, the SWU exchange students went to the Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) Center to watch an ice hockey game. They enjoyed the traditional ice sport and experienced a different part of Canadian culture. Although the venue was very cold, everyone was excited to be there.


2017年10月15日,交换生们一起来到了WFCU中心观看冰球比赛, 感受到了冰上运动的乐趣,体验了不一样的加拿大文化。尽管场内很冷,但学生们热情依旧。

SWU 2017 Cohort Culture Exchange with UW Students

On October 30th and November 6th, the SWU exchange students had two cultural exchange sessions with University of Windsor (UW) students. The UW students gave the SWU exchange students maple leaves and paintings as gifts. They also shared teaching materials, such as lesson plans and textbooks, with each other, highlighting what may be different or similar between education in Canada and China.



SWU 2017 Cohort in Building Futures Workshops

On November 3rd, 2017, the SWU exchange students participated in the Building Futures workshops held by the Ontario Ministry of Education for teacher candidates at the University of Windsor. This activity aims to improve teacher candidates’ comprehensive and innovative abilities. The activity was divided into two sections, with each one having six workshops regarding communication between schools and families, special education, innovative education, and more.



SWU 2017 Cohort Experiencing Curling

In October 2017, the SWU exchange students were invited by University of Windsor students to experience the sport of curling at the Curling House. Curling is a national sport in Canada. The SWU students were excited to learn more about the sport. After the demonstration, the SWU exchange students had a chance to try curling themselves.


2017年10月, 西南大学交换生在温莎大学学生的带领下到冰壶馆体验了冰壶运动。冰壶是加拿大的特色运动, 学生们对它都很感兴趣, 迫不急待地想要尝试一下。

SWU 2017 Cohort Experiencing Thanksgiving Day Homestay

On October 9th, 2017, a group of SWU exchange students received an invitation from a local student, Michael Doyon, to attend Thanksgiving dinner in his home. The SWU students had a memorable day talking with Michael’s family and enjoying an authentic Thanksgiving dinner.


2017年10月, 西南大学交换生们应当地学生Michael的邀请, 到Michael家中度过了一个难忘的感恩节。交换生们和Michael家人亲切交谈, 品尝了正宗的加拿大晚餐, 当中最吸引人的当属感恩节特色火鸡。交换生们在Michael及其家人热情的欢迎和招待中, 度过了一个十分开心和难忘的感恩节。

SWU 2017 Cohort Experiencing Halloween Night

On October 31st, 2017, Michael Doyon and his family invited all SWU exchange students to his house for Halloween. The students had a great dinner. After that, Michael led the students to do some “trick or treating” around his neighborhood.


2017年10月31日,万圣节当天, Michael 及家人邀请西南大学交换生们在自家共进晚餐。晚餐后, Michael 带着学生们在周边邻居家体验了treat or trick。交换生们体验了一次别具特色的加拿大式万圣节。

SWU 2017 Cohort Teaching Practicum at Kingsville Public School

Starting on October 11th, Southwest University (SWU) exchange students had a two-week practicum in Kingsville Public School. They attended classes (grades K-8) and interacting with the students and teachers. In addition, some SWU students were invited to introduce Chinese culture to the students. For example, Yue Yu presented a Chinese paper-cutting class, Hao Wang conducted a Chinese painting class, and Qiyang Li introduced Chinese-radio gymnastics to Kingsville Public School students.



SWU 2017 Cohort Teaching Practicum at Prince Edward Public School

During a two-week school placement from October 10th to October 20th, 2017, some Southwest University exchange students visited Prince Edward Public School. They observed classes in many different grades and subjects. On the last day, the SWU teacher candidates were given an opportunity to give a lesson to the Grade Six students. The teacher candidates first gave a 20-minute-long introduction to Chinese painting which involved a simple demonstration for the students. In the following 30 minutes, the students had the opportunity to practice Chinese painting by themselves. The teachers and students of Prince Edward enjoyed the Chinese painting lesson very much.

2017届西南大学交换生在Prince Edward小学实习


SWU 2017 Cohort Teaching Practicum at Queen Victoria Public School

In October 2017, the SWU exchange students visited Queen Victoria Public School. The Principal presented a warm welcome to the students, and the Vice-Principal led the students on a tour of the school. During their two-week practicum Queen Victoria, the SWU students observed classes and took part in school activities. On the last day of the school placement, all of the SWU students prepared a hearty Chinese breakfast for the teachers and students at Queen Victoria. The SWU students also conducted wonderful Chinese painting classes for students from three different classes. The students enjoyed doing Chinese painting very much.

2017届西南大学交换生在Queen Victoria小学实习

2017年10月, 2017届西南大学交换生到Queen Victoria Public School进行为期两周的实习。校长热情欢迎学生们的到来, 副校长带领交换生们参观校园。实习的两周里, 交换生观摩了课堂教学, 参与了课堂活动, 并向指导老师虚心请教。在实习的最后一天, 西南大学交换生们为全校师生准备了丰盛的中式早餐。同时, 他们也为三个班的学生们上了一堂精彩的中国国画课, 孩子们很喜欢。

SWU 2017 Cohort Teaching Practicum at Talbot Trail Public School

On October 9th, 2017, five exchange students from Southwest University came to Talbot Trail Public School and started a two-week placement at the school. The exchange students participated in different classes and observed classroom activities. Through observation and communication with teachers and students, the exchange students learned about different educational cultures and expanded their professional knowledge.

2017届西南大学交换生在Talbot Trail公立学校实习

2017年10月9日开始,五名来自西南大学的交换生来到Talbot Trail公立学校,开始了为期两周的实习。交换生们被分配到了不同的班级,和学生们一起学习、听课,感受不一样的课堂。通过观察课堂和老师、学生交流,交换生们了解了不同的文化和知识。

SWU 2017 Cohort Teaching Practicum at West Gate Public School

In October 2017, the Southwest University exchange students had a 10-day school placement in West Gate Public School. Through conducting classroom observations, communicating with West Gate teachers, and delivering a Chinese culture class to the school, the exchange students learned that primary school education in Canada was very different from China in terms of school management, teaching methods, and educational philosophy. They were able to learn from the strengths of primary school education in Canada. To end their practicum, the teacher candidates presented a Chinese paper-cutting class to Grade Six students, which received positive feedback from their teachers.

2017届西南大学交换生在West Gate小学实习

2017年10月,2017届西南大学交换生在West Gate小学进行了10天的实习。通过课堂观察、和在校教师的沟通,在独立完成了一节中国文化课的分享后,交换生们发现加拿大的小学与中国学校在校园管理、教学方法、教育理念、课程设置等方面都有着很大的差异。在为期10天的实习中,交换生们感受到了加拿大小学教育的先进思想和理念。交换生们展示了一堂中国剪纸课,并且获得了当地老师们的一致好评。