January 2015

Former Principal Mr. David Garlic of Walkerville Collegiate Institute hosts a Skype meeting with Chinese Sister- School High School Affiliated to Southwest University. Alongside Principal Garlic includes: Dr. Shijing Xu SSHRC Project Director, Dr. Geri Salinitri & Dr. Jonathan Bayley SSHRC Project Co- Applicants from the University of Windsor, Ms. Ju Huang PhD student from Southwest University, and research assistants Nevin & Stephanie.

January 2015

2015年1 月,Walkerville 中学和姊妹学校重庆西南大学附属中学举办视频会议。与会人员包括:温莎大学教育学院教授许世静教授(中加互惠学习项目负责人),Geri Salinitri教授(温莎大学教育学院副院长),Jonathan Bayley教授,项目研究助理等。

June 2018

On June 20, 2018, Tecumseh Vista Academy and Bashu Primary School held a Skype meeting with the participation of Bashu’s local sister school partner. The meeting provided a platform for students from TVA, Bashu Primary School and Bashu’s Sister School to have math exchanges with each other through sharing and playing math games.

June 2018

2018年6月20 号,Mr. Cassidy (WCI) 和赵老师(西大附中)举行了一次关于京剧合作的视频会,许世静教授和研究助理池晨凯参与了此次会议。双分别从各自的经历出发,谈论了京剧的重要性以及提出了2个可以在未来合作的京剧剧本。