January 2016

Students at Queen Victoria Public School Windsor, Canada are able to communicate with students from Ba Shu Primary School Chongqing, China via Skype during a SSHRC Project Sister- School meeting. Meeting members include: Principal of Queen Victoria Mr. Clayton Callow, Dr. Shijing Xu SSHRC Project Director & Dr. Zuochen Zhang from the University of Windsor, parents & teachers & students from Queen Victoria School, parents & teachers & students from Ba Shu School, and research assistant Ms. Minghua Wang.

January 2016

2016年1月,中加互惠学习项目学校温莎Queen Victoria小学和姊妹学校重庆巴蜀小学举行视频会议。与会人员包括:温莎大学教育学院许世静教授(中加互惠合作学习项目负责人)、张佐臣教授,温莎Queen Victoria小学校长Clayton Callow,巴蜀小学师生,项目研究助理等。

November 2015

SSHRC Sister- School project Skype meetings continue at Queen Victoria Public School with Ba Shu Primary School. Meeting members include: Principal of Queen Victoria Mr. Clayton Callow include, Dr. Shijing Xu SSHRC Project Director, Ms. Na Wu guide teacher of 2015 SWU cohort, Ms. Ju Huang PhD student from Southwest University, Queen Victoria teachers & students, Ba Shu teachers & students, and research assistant Ms. Minghua Wang.

November 2015

2015年11月中加互惠学习项目温莎Queen Victoria小学和姊妹校重庆曾家岩小学再度举办视频会议。与会人员包括:温莎Queen Victoria小学校长Clayton Callow,温莎大学教育学院许世静教授(中加互惠合作学习项目负责人),2015届西南大学交换生及带队老师巫娜,巴蜀小学师生,项目研究助理等。

October 2015

A SSHRC Project Sister- School meeting commences at Queen Victoria Public School Windsor, Canada with Ba Shu Primary School Chongqing, China. Alongside Principal of Queen Victoria Mr. Clayton Callow include: Vice- Principal Ms. Jodi Burgon, Dr. Shijing Xu SSHRC Project Director, Ms. Ju Huang PhD student from Southwest University, Queen Victoria teachers & students, Ba Shu teachers & students, and research assistant Ms. Minghua Wang.

October 2015

2015年10月中加互惠学习项目温莎Queen Victoria小学和姊妹校重庆巴蜀小学举办视频会议。与会人员包括:温莎Queen Victoria小学副校长Jodi Burgon,温莎大学教育学院许世静教授(中加互惠合作学习项目负责人),巴蜀小学师生,项目研究助理等。

Student Learning

2015 Chinese teacher candidate cohort from Southwest University China participate in school life at Queen Victoria Public School Windsor, Canada.

October 2015

2015年10月,西南大学师范生在温莎Queen Victoria小学参观学习。